Following several requests received this year from some Universities in order to have a virtual visit at the EUIPO, we are in the process of planning a dedicated programme of Virtual Visits for your students (and your colleagues, researchers, professors).
In order to adjust as much as possible to your needs, before sharing with you our proposed calendar and agenda, we have prepared a short survey that will take only 5 minutes of your time.
The objectives of the virtual visits will be to provide first-hand information to potential candidates of the Pan-European Seal Traineeship Programme in regards to the structure of the Office and its different departments, general information about the PES Programme, profiles needed and related tasks, as well as the application and selection process, on-boarding programme and training plan.
We believe that this could be proved very useful in order to engage your students to apply for a PES traineeship at the EUIPO and to get to know more about our Office in general.
On another note, we would like to check also if you are interested in a new online / virtual course specialized on EU Trade Marks / Registered Community Designs addressed to your students with a duration of approximately 1 week. As we are discussing this option as well, please kindly reply in our survey accordingly.