University of Tirana Law Faculty and Washington and Lee University School of Law with the support of the USAID’s Albanian Justice Sector Strengthening Project (JuST)

Event Agenda

International Academic Conference on Legal Clinical Education, Law Students’ Practical Skills Building, and Practice-Oriented Teaching Methods: Bridging the Gaps between Theory and Practice

University of Tirana Law Faculty, April 28, 2015

10:15–10:35 a.m.        Opening remarks

10:15 – 10:20 a.m.     Remarks by the Dean of the Law Faculty, Mr. Altin Shegani     

After his remarks, the UTLF Dean, as Master of Ceremonies, will introduce the Rector of the Tirana University, and then each speaker in turn. 

10:20–10:25 a.m.       Remarks by the Rector of the University of Tirana, Mr. Dhori Kule

10: 25 10:30 a.m.       Remarks by the USAID/Albania Director, Mr. Marcus Johnson

10:30 –10:35 a.m.       Remarks by the Washington and Lee School of Law Professor, Thomas Speedy Rice

After the remarks, the UTLF Dean invites the speakers and guest to take a 5 minutes break before continuing with the presentation of the academic papers. In the meantime, speakers of the first panel will take seats in the main table.

10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.   FIRST PANEL Paper Presentation: Moderator Evis Alimehmeti

10:45 –10:50 a.m.      Remarks of the Moderator Evis Alimehmeti

10:50 – 11:00 a.m.      Prof. Altin Shegani: “The Role of Clinical Legal Education in the format of law education”

11:00 – 11:10 a.m.     Prof. Asoc. Mirela P.  Bogdani:  “Legal Clinics – USA Experience; Reflections for Adoption to the Albanian Context.”

11:10 – 11:20 a.m.     Prof. Asoc. Oriona Mucollari: “The legal clinic as a new and improved teaching method for the next generation of lawyers, judges and public policy makers: the Albanian experience”.

11:20 – 11: 30             Dr. Alban Koçi: “Ethics in the Legal Clinic”.

11:30 – 11:40              Dr. Evisa Kambellari: “Practical Skills Building and Legal Clinical Education of Law Students: Current Issues and Perceptions.”

11:40 – 11:50              PHD Cand. Evelina Qiriako: “Consolidation of services from legal clinics as means to effectiveness of justice for enhancing protection of women rights in Albania”

11:50 – 12:00              Panel Discussions

12:00 – 1:15 p.m.        SECOND PANEL Paper Presentation: Moderator Altin Shegani

12:00 – 12:05 p.m.     Remarks of the Moderator Altin Shegani

12:05 – 12:15 p.m.      PHD Cand. Brikena Kasmi: “Legal Clinics Education – Its Role, Scope and Functioning in Albania.”

12:15 – 12:25 p.m.     PHD Cand. Merilda Menkshi: “Legal Clinical Education and Continuous Study Programs in the Framework of an Effective Justice for the Protection of Children from Abuse and Exploitation.”

12:25 – 12:35 p.m.     PHD Cand. Aida Hoxha and Ma. Eda Cela:Clinical Law Education, a teaching model that encourages professionalism”.

12:35 – 12:45 p.m.      PHD Cand. Elona Bano: “The Right to Have Access in Justice and the importance of Legal Clinical Education”

12:45 – 12:55 p.m.      PHD. Jorida Xhafaj. “Education Impact of Legal Clinics”

12:55 – 1:05 p.m.        Prof. Asoc. Enkeleda Olldashi, PHD. Cand.  Elona Salaj: “Theoretical interpretation and practice cases of registration of immovable property in Albania”

1:05 – 1:15                  Panel Discussions

1:15 – 2:15 p.m.         Reception

2:20 – 3.35 p.m.         THIRD PANEL  Paper Presentation: Moderator Flutura Tafaj Kola/Alban Koci

2: 20 – 2:25                 Remarks of the Moderator

2:25 – 2:35 p.m.         Msc. Brunela Kullolli, Msc. Marilda Guçe:  “Analysis of Clinical

Teaching, Elements and Methodologies.”

2:35 – 2:45 p.m.             PHD Cand. Monika Meca: “The Necessity for Applying Legal Clinical Education Methods in the Teaching and Learning of Legislative Drafting

2:45 – 2:55 p.m.          PHD Juliana Bylykbashi: “Non patrimonial damage and indemnity practice”

2:55 – 3:05 p.m.          Gjergji Ceka:  “Clinical Legal Education in Albania: A Student’s Reflections.”

3:05 – 3:15 p.m.          Klaudja Pupa “The Role of Legal Clinic Program in Preparing Students for an Effective Participation in the Legal Professions.”

3:15 – 3:25 p.m.          Arben Prifti “How the Criminal Proceeding System Elected for Determining the Principles of Criminal Proceedings Affected in Albania and its Impact on Practical Training of Law Students”

3: 25 – 3:35 p.m.        Panel Discussions

3:35 – 4:00 p.m.         Final remarks by Dean Altin Shegani and potential discussions

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