Thirrje per shkolle verore ANETREC


The future of the Western Balkans”

Call for students’ essays on EU policies and reconciliation in WB


  1. The Call is organized in the frame of the EU sponsored project “Academic network supporting the EU policy towards Western Balkans with emphasis on regional cooperation based on reconciliation – ANETREC” in which take part 10 universities and research institutions from Albania, Bosna and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia.

In the period 2019-2022 will the Project’s partners develop different common education and research activities dedicated to the EU integration of WB 6 countries and to the processes of reconciliation in the region. One of the outstanding actions will be the ANETREC Summer School, which we plan to convene in July 2021 in Bitola, Northern Macedonia.

The ANETREC Project Coordinator is Professor Emeritus of the University of Maribor, SloveniaSilvo Devetak, the President of the Institute for ethnic and regional studies from Maribor.More information on the ANETREC Project is on web-page


  1. The student’s call for essays will provide young people with the opportunity to express their opinions on different aspects of the EU policy towards the Western Balkans with emphasis on regional cooperation based on reconciliation.

Particularly, it is commendable that the students write the essays on the impact of the EU policy on the situation in their countries (justice; human rights and elimination of discrimination; freedom of religion; mass media; the situation of civil society institutions and organisations; the impact on economy and socio-economic circumstances and the similar).The students from Croatia and Slovenia are particularly encouraged to write the essays on what is the current situation and what should be in their mind the role of their countries within the EU policy towards the Western Balkans. The proposed topics for essays see in the Appendix 1.


  1. We are pleased to invite the prospective authors to prepare the essays between 3000-4000 words in English in line with Technical guidance (see Appendix 3) and to submit them until 15 April 2021 to the professor responsible for the call at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana: Prof. Asoc. Oriona Muçollari; [email protected]; +355682050363.


  1. The Evaluation Commission at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana consists of: Prof. Dr. Sokol Mëngjesi; [email protected], Prof. Asoc. Kristinka Jançe; [email protected], Prof. Asoc. Oriona Muçollari; [email protected] and they will in due time exanimate the essays.


5.The ANETREC Coordinator will invite five students from each partner University who got the best grades to participate in the work of the ANETREC Summer, whichwe plan to convene in July 2021 in Bitola, North Macedonia.

The ANETREC Coordinator requested the managements of the ANETREC partner Faculty to consider the possibility to treat the essays as part of the existing teaching program and to mark them with adequate ECTS.

In addition, the best evaluated five (5) students’ essays selected by the Editorial Board (see Appendix 2) will be published in a ANETREC project publication, which will be the back ground paper for the students’ presentation and discussion of these topics at the ANETREC Summer university in Northern Macedonia.


  1. The purpose of the Summer School is to enhance critical debate, share views and ideas of students and professors on the most important questions referring to reconciliation and EU integration processes and to stimulate the development of further research among students and professors and establish networking. The students will have, among other, the opportunity to follow actively the lectures by distinguished scholars and to be the organisers of the presentation and discussion of their essays.


  1. Important dates:

– Essay submission: deadline – 15April 2021. Essays should be sent to the responsible professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana, Prof. Asoc. Oriona Muçollari; [email protected]; +355682050363)

– The Evaluation Commissionswill until 30 April 2021 assess and grade the quality of the essays.

– The professor responsible for the call at the Faculty (Prof. Asoc. Oriona Muçollari; [email protected]; +355682050363) will in cooperation with the Coordinators of the ANETREC Summer School in the period May – July 2021 organizes all the necessary things for the fruitful participation of selected students in the ANETREC Summer School.

– ANETREC Summer School is planned to be organised in July 2021.


  1. For more information about the Call and Summer School, please, contact the responsible professor at the Faculty (Prof. Asoc. Oriona Muçollari; [email protected]; +355682050363).



The list of suggested essays’ topics in accordance with the ANETREC project contents


The list is not mandatory; students can select another topic that represent the specific problem of her / his country in relation with the EU policy of WB6 enlargement. Focus should be on students` innovative ideas and fresh approaches


  1. EU policy toward Western Balkans


  1. The EU policy toward the Western Balkans countries – current and future challenges
  2. The benefits and weak points of the European integration of my country
  3. The Berlin Initiative – the German sponsored project regarding Western Balkans` European integration process
  4. Regional cooperation between WB countries in the context of the EU WB 6 enlargement
  5. Initiatives for regional cooperation that could contribute to reconciliation between nations and states of WB
  6. The policy of non-EU countries or actors towards the Western Balkans region and countries (select one of them)
  7. What should be the role of Croatia in the realisation of the EU policy towards WB 6
  8. What should be the role of Slovenia in the realisation of the EU policy towards WB 6


  1. Reconciliation in the post-conflict environment in the Western Balkans


  1. The reconciliation and peace building – what should be done in finding solutions for particular conflict situation (students should write a case study related to the existent conflict situations as are borders disputes, mutual recognition, the legal system in the Adriatic sea, economic discrimination, divided cities, respect of minorities’ rights, and similar issues).
  2. The role of the EU in reconciliation processes between the Western Balkans countries
  3. The role of civil society in the developing reconciliation processes and good

neighbourhood relations between the Western Balkans nations and countries

  1. The role of youth in developing reconciliation and good relations between the

Western Balkans nations and countries

  1. Cross-border cooperation as a way of developing reconciliation, cooperation and good neighbourhood relations between the Western Balkans countries.


  • Multiculturalism and ethnicity


  1. The theoretical and legal concepts and practices of multiculturalism in the Western Balkans countries
  2. The contribution of multicultural policies to the stability of Western Balkans

countries (a particular case study to be chosen)

  1. The legal and factual position of national minorities in my country- challenges and ideas for improvement
  2. The role of national minorities in developing good neighbourhood relations between Western Balkan countries
  3. Language’s policy as source of conflicts or a tool for reconciliation within or between Western Balkans countries  (a particular case study to be chosen)


  1. Protection of human rights and non-discrimination


  1. Protection of human rights and of non-discrimination in the context of the EU integration process in my country – what has been and what is necessary to do?
  2. How to overcome the discrimination in my country based on race, sex, age, ethnicity, social position?
  3. United Nations, Council of Europe and EU standards on human rights and non-discrimination – how to enhance their implementation in WB countries
  4. The position of national minorities in the legal system of my country – how to surpass the gap between the adopted legal and other norms and their implementation


  1. Religion in the process of reconciliation in Western Balkans


  1. Inter-religious dialogue as the factor of developing good relations between the

Western Balkans countries

  1. Main religion communities and their position towards the reconciliation processes in Western Balkans
  2. The role of religious communities in developing stability in my country


  1. Migration in the context of EU policy towards Western Balkans


  1. Migration routes to the EU and the position of Western Balkans region – what are the ways for resolving the connected problems?
  2. New EU Pact on migration and asylum and its consequences for Western Balkans countries
  3. European Union and the problems of migrants and refugees in Bosnia and Hercegovina – what should the EU do?
  4. The importance of the WB regional cooperation and of regional initiatives concerning migrants and refugees


  • Segregation in education in Bosna and Herzegovina


  1. The impact of segregation in education system of Bosna and Herzegovina on

reconciliation process in the country

  1. The ways and means for overcoming the ethnic-based segregation in schools of Bosnia

and Hercegovina

  1. Bosnia and Hercegovina 25 years after the Dayton agreement – how to overcome the shortcomings?


  • Reconciliation process between Belgrade and Pristina


  1. The main problems concerning the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina
  2. The importance of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in the WB stabilisation and cooperation process
  3. The importance of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in the European integration process
  4. The role of students and youth in the reconciliation process and in the normalisation of the Belgrade-Pristina relations.
  5. Economic cooperation between Belgrade and Pristina – achievements and problems
  6. The role of the USA, EU and other relevant actors in the reconciliation process and dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina



Appendix 3 – Technical guidance


  1. The length of the essay should be between 3000-4000 words (without used references and literature).


  1. Language: Essays should be prepared in English language.


  1. The structure of the essay:

– On the first page of the essay the following info should marked: name of the author; title of the essay; the university /department of the student, and the date;

– On the 2nd page is the table of the contents (if provided);

– On the 3rd page begins the text of the essay;

– On the last page are the references (books, articles, and statistics, on-line material etc., also unpublished material). For on-line references, the date of the access should be mentioned).


  1. Essay should be typed according to the guidelines below:

Essay title: Times New Roman; 14 pt; bold; alignment centred; single-line spacing; All Caps (max. 100 characters with spaces).

Author name: Times New Roman; bold; 14 pt; single-line spacing; alignment centred.

– Essay text: Times New Roman; 12 pt; justify; 1,5 line spacing; margins: Top: 2,5 cm;

Bottom: 2,5 cm; Left: 3 cm; Right: 3 cm.

– Quotations: If they are brief (3 lines or fewer), quotations should be run on with the text. Longer quotations should be indented, without quotation marks. All indented quotations should be typed single-spaced.

– Citation style: The author should follow Chicago Style (author-date system) for referencing, for example: (Dahl 1989, 45); (Geddes 1999, 134-43); (Linz 1975). All references should be given in full at first mention. Subsequent citations can be abbreviated. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum.

– Headings and subheadings: Times New Roman; 12 pt; bold.

– Tables: Times New Roman; bold; size 10; align heading left; single line spacing. Tables must be created in Word, not Excel. Table heading is situated above the table.