We believe that word of mouth and Alumni experience will be useful to encourage your peers to apply. We would appreciate if you could share this information with your colleagues
The Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Scholars are intensive post-graduate level academic programs whose purpose is to provide foreign university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions. The ultimate goal of the Institutes is to strengthen curricula and to enhance the quality of teaching about the United States at academic institutions abroad.
Each Institute includes a four-week academic residency component and up to two weeks of an integrated study tour to another region of the United States. http://exchanges.state.gov/susi .
Institute Themes
The Institute on American Politics and Political Thought — The University of Montana in Missoula, will administer this program; the University of Massachusetts in Amherst will host the Institute.
The Institute on Contemporary American Literature — The University of Montana in Missoula will administer and host this Institute.
The Institute on Journalism and Media — The University of Montana in Missoula will oversee and administer this program; Arizona State University in Tempe, will conduct and host the Institute.
The Institute on U.S. Culture, Identity, and Society — The University of Montana in Missoula will administer this program while Seattle University in Washington will host the Institute.
The Institute on U.S. Economics and Sustainable Development — The University of Montana in Missoula will administer this program; the Institute for Training and Development (ITD), in conjunction with Suffolk University, will host the Institute in Amherst and Boston, Massachusetts.
The Institute on U.S. Foreign Policy — The University of Montana in Missoula will oversee and administer this program; the University of Delaware will conduct and host the Institute in Newark, Delaware.
Selection process: The U.S. Embassy in Tirana will review the applications, interview leading candidates, and can nominate ONE candidate for each institute. However, the nominees will participate in the program only if selected as a finalist by the selection committee in Washington DC.
Program Start date: During or after June 2025
Host University: The SUSI programs take place at different accredited universities in the United States. Specific host institutions will be determined at a later stage, unless specified in the Institute description above. However, the applicant cannot choose the host institution.
Please fill in the application (Word Document 24 KB) with all the required information and to [email protected]
FOR ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS please contact: [email protected]
Attached additional information and application form.
2025 SUSI Scholars – Info for universities