Illicit Financial Flows Summer School  May 2023


University of Tirana in cooperation with the GIZ Global Program ‘Combating Illicit Financial Flows’ is organizing for the second year the summer school on Combatting Illicit Financial Flows.

The four (4) day intensive course will focus on new developments in the area of combating illicit financial flows, more specifically on tackling money laundering, terrorist financing, suspicious transactions, tax evasion, offshore companies, cryptocurrencies, investigations and asset recovery at the national, regional and international level.

Professors from the University of Tirana, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje; distinguished guests from the General Directorates of Financial Intelligence of Albania and Serbia, and best practitioners from private financial sectors and judicial system will present and discuss the nexus of illicit financial flows.

All sessions will be held in English.

The summer school is open for 20 students of Law and Economic Faculties in Albania.

It will take place in Durres, from May 15th-18th, 2023 and all costs will be covered by the organizers.

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