FACULTY OF LAW, UNIVERSITY OF TIRANA   in co-operation with OSCE Presence in Albania and with the participation of:   Department of Law – University of Pavia Invites you to participate in the International Scientific Conference on: “Crime, Society, Criminal Law, and Justice Reform” 10 June 2024 – Tirana, Albania









in co-operation with OSCE Presence in Albania

and with the participation of:


Department of Law – University of Pavia



Invites you to participate in the International Scientific Conference on:

Crime, Society, Criminal Law, and Justice Reform”


10 June 2024 – Tirana, Albania




Call for Papers:

Dear colleagues,


The Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of Tirana, in cooperation with OSCE Presence in Albania, and with the participation of Department of Law, University of Pavia, has the pleasure to inform you about the organization of an international scientific conference on “Crime, Society, Criminal Law, and Justice Reform”.


The central theme of the Conference is “Crime, Society, Criminal Law, and Justice Reform”.


The creation of a healthy society is the responsibility of all actors within the justice system. The prevention and combating of crime are crucial factors in establishing a safe and peaceful environment. The functioning of the justice system plays a pivotal role in upholding societal norms and, consequently, in ensuring the security and tranquility of its members.

Through this conference, participants are invited to consider current and future challenges in order to develop effective tools in the fight against crime and enhance the well-being of society.


The objectives of this scientific conference will include:


  • Criminological developments and their role in crime prevention and control;
  • The evolution of society and the new forms of crime;
  • Organized crime and national security;
  • Corruption, money laundering, and their impact on social stability;
  • Challenges of criminal justice in safeguarding social protection and security;
  • The impact of non-criminal legislation (banking, taxation, customs, etc.) on crime prevention;
  • The impact of justice reform on fostering a secure social climate;
  • The functioning of the components of the criminal justice system (police, prosecution, courts, institutions of penal execution, probation services, legal representation) and crime prevention.


This conference will be organized into three main panels:


  1. First Panel – Criminological Developments and Society
  2. Second Panel – Legal and Jurisprudential Developments in Criminal Law
  3. Third Panel – Justice Reform and the Rule of Law




Submission of abstracts within: 12.05.2024

Notification of acceptance of abstracts within: 15.05.2024

Conference Day: 10 June 2024

Submission of full papers for Publication within: 15 July 2024

Conference Language: English, Albanian or Italian


Anyone interested can participate at the conference and present only one paper, either as the sole author, or co-author.


All abstracts shall be submitted in Word format (.doc or .docx files) to [email protected]. Please use the subject heading “Crime, Society, Criminal Law, and Justice Reform – Abstract submission”.


Format and style of abstracts:

Please use Times Neë Roman (TNR), 12 pt., left alignment, single spaced, with a line between paragraphs. The title should be centered in TNR 12 pt., bold, with initial capitals. The name of the author and any co-authors shall be placed below the title in TNR of 12 pt., bold and centered. The name of the presenting author shall be underlined.



Abstracts should be between 250 – 300 words, and 5 key words. No figures, tables, footnotes, endnotes or other references shall be included in the abstract.


Language of the abstract: English


Biographical information about the presenting author:

At the end of the abstract, please include a paragraph of up to 150 words with main biographical details of the presenting author. These bios may be included in the conference’s book of abstracts.

Full papers will be peer-reviewed and internationally published in a special edition by the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana.


Failure by the authors to fulfill the rules will bring their exclusion from the Conference and its publication.