Online European Summer Course 2021
#EUChallengeAccepted: Tackle the Challenges for the European Union!
20 – 26 June 2021
In 2021, the European Summer Course titled #EUChallengeAccepted: Tackle the Challenges for the European Union! takes place entirely online from 20 to 26 June due to the still on-going corona pandemic and thereby resulting travel restrictions.
Take the opportunity and experience the inspiring atmosphere of this international seminar!
We invite all participants to attend an academically demanding as well as wide-ranging program and meet renowned international experts in European law, politics and economics. The lecturers are academics or practitioners and will give you an inside view of the EU.
#EUChallengeAccepted deals with the current goals and political priorities of the European Union in terms of the EU’s single market and the world trade system in times of crisis. Questions of human rights protection and their challenges in light of the freedom of expression vs. public interest and its impact on health protection in the context of data protection and many more will be discussed!
Current information and the online application form can be found on our website:
There is also the possibility to apply for a scholarship to cover the costs for the Online ESC 2021!
So go ahead and apply, we wish you good luck!
For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us: [email protected]e
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