Dhurim Librash dhe Revistash
Më 28 korrik 2021, në vijim të dhurimit të librave dhe në kuadrin e sigurimit të literaturës akademike nga Prezenca e OSBE-së në Shqipëri për Programin Master, iu dorëzuan Fakultetit të Drejtësisë detajet e aksesit të nëntë abonimeve online në revista të njohura akademike. Aksesi në këto revista sigurohet përmes platformave të Hein Online, Oxford University Press dhe Springer Nature.
On April 1, 2021, the library of the Faculty of Law received a donation of 32 books (11 titles) related to Criminology from the OSCE Presence in Albania, as part of their support for the Master Project in Criminology. The academic staff as well as the students of the Program will use the books, selected by the academic staff of the Master in Criminology and the Project Team.
On 28 July 2021, following the donation of books and in the framework of the provision of academic literature by the OSCE Presence in Albania for the Master Programme, the details of access of nine online subscriptions to well-known academic journals were submitted to the Faculty of Law. Access to these journals is provided through the platforms of Hein Online, Oxford University Press and Springer Nature.