Agjencia Kombëtare e Kërkimit Shkencor dhe Inovacionit (AKKSHI), ju bën me dije se në kuadër të Programit COST, janë publikuar 40 Thirrje të reja COST Action të cilat i gjeni bashkëngjitur.
COST fiancon lëvizshmërinë e kërkuesve shkencor, stafeve akademike të cilët janë të interesuar ti bashkëngjiten këtyre rrjeteve kërkimore të quajtura ndryshe Aksione COST.
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is a funding organisation for the creation of research networks –called COST Actions–. They asked us to share with you a recently published booklet of 40 new COST Actions, which will start in September/October.
These actions can also be found on COST’s website:
COST Actions can be the perfect instrument for Early Stage Researchers to broaden their network and get into the right collaborations – therefore they are a natural fit for IF/WF fellows. If you know of someone who would like to join one of these networks, please encourage them to contact their national contact point for COST (the “COST National Coordinator” – the details can be found on COST’s website:|Name:national-coordinators-cnc). Ideally, researchers already join before the kick-off meeting, in order to profit from the full length of the COST Action, but joining can be done unconditionally (only dependent on approval of the COST National Coordinators), up to one year into the duration of the Action.
Of course, if some MSCA fellows do not find an Action of their choice, but would nonetheless like to start a bottom-up network around one excellent idea, they are strongly encouraged to submit their own proposal – the next collection deadline is the 5th of September.