1-st Call for the International Conference on Social and Natural Sciences, Vienna – Austria (3-d of November)

It would be a great pleasure to have you on the 4-th International Conference on Social and Natural Sciences, Vienna – Austria.
The conference will be held in Vienna on November 3-d, 2018 and proceedings/abstracts will be published in  Vienna, Austria.
The conference is open only to virtual participation. Participating in person is not necessary for those who submit poster and/or video conference presentations.

Keep in mind that based on the new Scientific Criteria, International Conferences are only those based in EU, OECD Countries.

All conference materials (proceedings, journal and certificates) will be mailed as hard copy (by post) and will be available online (open access).
The event is organized by International Institute for Private, Commercial and Competition Law (IIPCCL-Austria) in partnership with University of Białystok (Poland), School of American Law (Greece)  Institute of History and Political Science of the University of Białystok (Poland).


Submission of abstracts within:
October 7th, 2018
Notification of acceptance of abstracts within: October 8th, 2018
Payment of the Conference fee within: October  10th,  2018
Conference Day November 3d, 2018
Submission of full papers for Publication within:
October 21, 2018
Costs: Participation fee is 150 Euros, (It covers certificate of paper presentation, Book of proceedings, administrative costs…). Each coauthor has to pay an extra 80 Euros (Example 2 Authors-Total 230 Euros, 3 Authors-Total 310 Euros).
For more information please visit the website of the conference https://iipccl.org/?page_id=4769 

icsns iv. fourth international conference on: “social and natural sciences – global challenge 2018” (icsns iv-2018) vienna, 3 november 2018. organized by

or send an email to [email protected] We would appreciate it if you could share this invitation with your colleagues.